Friday, April 27, 2018 Newsletter - Issue 17

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April 27, 2018 -  Issue 17

"Where Do I Start?"

The number one question I get from clients is, “what do I start tapping on to improve my golf game”. They ask, is there a script, or magic words, how do I know what the most important problem is to work on?
All good questions. First answer - there are no magic words or scripts. The success of EFT is based on eliminating negative emotions and beliefs that  stand in the way of your success.  We all have different experiences, viewpoints and beliefs that form the lens we look through today.  Unlike socks there is no one size fits all, script or answer. So I say, start where you are. Very clever you say, but what does that mean.  It means there are many doors you can open to arrive at the correct answer. So start where you are. A beginning golfer or recreational golfer has different goals than a seasoned player who competes at his club or a touring professional who competes for a living. So I repeat start where you are. Ask yourself what you want improve upon or change. Do you just want to make contact with the ball and stop whiffing? Do you want to be more competitive, have more fun, stop having anxiety when you play with friends.  Perhaps you want less anxiety about joining a local golf league or playing with strangers on vacation when you are paired up with other vacationers.
Start with the low hanging fruit and go for the easy problems.  Start tapping as you focus on the immediate fear or problem.
For example:
I’m scared to death I’m going to miss the ball when I swing.
I’m intimidated playing with friends who are better than me.
I’m intimidated playing with strangers.
I never seem to make a putt when the pressure is on.
There could be countless more starting points because we are all unique though we may have similar fears. The success of EFT comes from delving deeper into the fears and emotions to find out where they started.  By identifying and tapping on originating events when we first experienced an  emotion we are then able to reduce and eliminate our negative response to it now.
Sound simple.  It is simple but requires some practice and of course learning the process. Order your copy of Better Golf with EFT today and get started on your journey to playing better golf today.


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